Title 39 provides that the Postal Service must consult with UPMA on what is commonly referred to as “Pay Talks”; UPMA is entitled to participate directly in the planning and development of pay policies and schedules, fringe benefits and other programs relating to postal employees it represents. During this, most recent, process UPMA made many proposals that were not taken into consideration at all. Further proposals were turned into “study groups” and after a lengthy process the Service announced it would implement the Pay Package as sent out by Postal Headquarters last week. UPMA has not agreed to many of the provisions of this Pay Package and has appealed its implementation internally. Further, if, UPMA believes that the decision of the Postal Service is not in accordance with the provisions of title 39, the organization may, within 10 days following its receipt of this decision, request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to convene a fact finding panel concerning such matter. Hopefully this will not be necessary but UPMA has reserved the right to a take this action if necessary.

UPMA Pay Decision 6-28-18